The wild card show this year continued in absence of one eliminated contestant (Kawa Akbari) who gave an excuse for not being able to join the show. Tonight’s show was accompanied by the very famous Rapper of Afghanistan “Bezhan Zafarmal”. He was invited as a special guest to this show.
The seven eliminated contestants started their performances after a song from the special guest of the show Bezhan Zafarmal and the first contestant (Habibullah Fani) performed (Qesai Del Goyam) and could obtain 35 marks from the judges.
The second contestant was Tawab Noori who sang (Man Tark Eshq Namekonam) from the great Afghan singer “Farhad Darya” and he took 34 marks from the judges. Ramin Popal was the third performer, he had practiced a song (Waqte Ke Raftam) from “Obaid Juenda” and he obtained a total of 36 marks, the fourth contestant was Sahar Arian who came up with a song (Qablai Khod Bad Az Ein) from Ahmad Zaher and he got a total of 32 Marks from the judges.
Shafi Shirzai the fifth, sang (Deq Shda Am) and he took 33 Marks on his performance. The sixth contestant Jawed Samir performed a Pashto song (Khob Ne Razi) and he took a total of 37 marks from the judges. The last contestant was Qasem Shahed who performed a song “ Ann Selsela Mohait” and got 32 marks from the judges on his performance.
The Show was ended with a second performance by the special guest of the program Bezhan Zafarmal.
If you want to know more about the 23rd episode and much more about the Wild Card Show please click on the link below to watch the full episode.