Out of thousands of contestants who auditioned from the beginning of the season, only two are remaining and will compete with each other during the final. Zaher Bakhtari an Afghan famous composer and singer was the special guest of this week’s episode. He got on stage with a beautiful Ghazal song “Ba khudai Khud Chi Goyom” with Afghan traditional music.
The first contestant of the day was Habibullah Fani who came up with a song “Ze An Rozaye Por Gham” but his performance was criticized by the judges and could only get 34 marks out of 40 from the judges on his performance. Afterwards, Ashkan Arab came up with a remarkable interpretation of a song “Beya Gerya Konem” and could get the full marks 40 plus some very positive comments of the judges.
Finally, the show was ended with another beautiful performance by the special guest of the show Zaher Bakhtari. He sang an Afghan folkloric song “Kharab Roye Tu ham” with Afghan traditional music.
If you want to know more about the 31st episode and much more about the Top 2 please click on the link below to watch the full episode.