On the top 3 show our special guest was Ahmad Shah Mustamandi a famous Afghan singer. The show started with a group performance by the contestants followed with a very beautiful performance “Sabzina Delbar” by the special guest of tonights show.


Habibullah Fani was the first contestant with the famous song “Chera Ayee Ba khabam” and he obtained 38 marks from the four judges plus some positive comments from Ahmad Shah Mustamandi. The second contestant was Ashkan Arab who sang the traditional song “Ya Mawla Delam Tang Amada” and he once again obtained the full marks which is 40.


The third one was Rashed Aria and he had prepared himself to sing “Daryayee Mani” from Farhad Darya. He also obtained 40 marks plus some positive comments from the special guest. 


Finally, the show was ended with another beautiful performance by Ahmad Shah Mustamandi the special guest of tonight.


If you want to know more about the 29th episode and much more about the Top 3 please click on the link below to watch the full episode.