This week’s show was dedicated to Afghan national security forces. The show began with a group performance by all 8 contestants of the show to honor and appreciate the accomplishments of the national security forces of Afghanistan. A number of Afghan national armies were invited as special guest to this episode.


Shafi Shirzai and Mansoor Arian performed the first duet of tonight’s show. They performed a beautiful patriotic song from the great Afghan singer “Shafiq Mureed” and their performance was much persuaded by the judges. Subsequently, Tawab Noori and Habibullah Fani came on the stage singing another compatriot song from Dawood Sarkhosh the Afghan folkloric singer.


Sahar Arian and Ziba Noori, the only two ladies of the show with two different singing styles, had another thrilling performance in tonight’s show. They performed an Afghan folkloric song “Jara Jo” and their performance was followed by applauses of the audience and positive feedbacks of the judges.


After, Ashkan Arab and Rashed Aria appeared on the stage with a superb performance that made both the judges and the audience voiceless. 


In the last moment of the show where Ziba Hamidi, Sahar Arian, Shafi Shirzai and Habibullah Fani were the four contestants in the danger zone and one of them had to say goodbye to the program, everyone was counting the seconds to know the result, finally Habibullah Fani was announced the eliminated contestant. 


To find out what happened in the 18th episode of Afghan Star and more about the Top 8 Elimination click on the link below to watch the full episode of afghan Star